ElemeUpgrading language skills via films and drama stories used for ntary Students

ElemeUpgrading language skills via films and drama stories used for ntary Students
1. Set the scene
With the audio off, Ss try to set the scene of the clip (characters and plot), based on visual cues and body language expressions.
  • Learners can get a lot of non-verbal cues to understand the conversation and predict the plot.
  • Shortly afterwards, with the audio on, they`ll confirm their correct guesses.

2. Arrange the dialogue
T prepares in text format the dialogue in advance (before previewing), and Ss are invited to reorder it; later, they watch it with subtitles to check the arrnagement of the dialogues.

3. Be a critic
Based on the suitability of its content , students are requested to criticise on the plot and present arguments for and against its storyline.

Many thanks go to B. Anatham (Institute of Technology and Science, India) and IATEFL Voices  March-April Issue 213 (newsletter) for their invaluable articles and ideas given away to us for immediate use in the EFL classroom.

Article adapted from the Independent Weekly: (A Brave Little Dog- presented in the More!2 class coursebook pg.43)
1. Set the scene
Ss look at the visual prompts provided to establish content and to skim the main idea; students work out to set the scene and give the main idea. They can do it with incredible ease.
2. Presenting Coherence and Cohesion(sub-skills for writing)
Now, learners are presented with the story bits cut into bits, which they`re requested to re-order, so as to produce a unified whole; it also gives them a purpose and a sense of achievement in class. Even the quietest ones, who hate to participate, they may read out the plot to others (after they`ve finished the task) and tick off the correct bits of the story that have been stuck up on the w/b previously. Try it for yourself; it works!!!!
3. Change the ending
Finally, our Elementary learners are invited to "change the course of history", to produce their endings of the story, in groups of 3-4; the weakest ones may provide for the drawings, whereas, the stronger ones may provide for the utterances. Altogether, they present their outcomes in class, they hang them up on the notice board. A class survey begins to vote for the best endings of the story.
Excellent procedure...try it for yourself... you`ll see that it works! At least, it did , in my class... 


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