Healthy lifestyle of the young level B1 class

   Today's generation lives very differently from what out grandparents did. From what  I know about our childhood, out parents spoil us by offering us  all material goods.
 Firts of all,fortunately we are raised in a small fishing village of a touristy island.There is a lot of traffic  and crowds that transfer from the one side to the other,so,there's noise and pollution.

Secondly we get plenty of exercise because we do sports live playing football,vollayball,basketball,swimming and cycling on a daily basis in summer

As for our diet, we are cereful with  it, since young people of our age eat mom's home made food we fresh ingredients, accompanied with salad and  fruit. When we are uotdoors, they choose to eat junk food because  they are tasty and cheap !

Finally, there is a lot of electronic enter rtaiment with online games,  playstation mobile phone games applications recently  to kill our free time  creatively .Other activities iclude doing celebrations in winter indoors , in front of the fireplace, they barbecue and have a feast with relatives, family members andfriends to come closer.

  In conclusion,aithough younger generation is spoiled by many ,the truth is that parents give moral values to their children.


Very Good effort ,kids. Commendable, indeed.

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