...Η σημασία της Ανακύκλωσης ξεκινά απ'το σχολείο- μια δημιουργία των εφήβων μαθητών μας-( Μέρος 1)- Πηγή:Journeys B1 -Workbook, Unit 5 (Jones, L. 2010, Hillside Press)

Recycling at School (Part 1)

Students wanted to set up a recycling programme , 

 so they emailed  their local council and 

asked them to send them a starter pack .

Inside it , there was a leaflet  that suggested that they find out who else was interested in recycling.

So they put up a notice

...........a lot of students turned up, so they started a recycling club; members would meet every Monday.

They also made badges for all members to wear.

The head teacher also offered to get them some recycling containers......

and also arranged for a private recycling firm to collect the recycled materials once a week.

Each class would give a presentation about the importance of recycling, which would encourage most students to participate.


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